City of Mostar signs the Paris Declaration

By signing the Paris Declaration, Mayors commit to achieve the 90–90–90 and other Fast-Track targets, which will put us firmly on the path to ending the AIDS, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis epidemics by 2030

Under authorization from Mayor Ljubo Bešlić, Radmila Komadina, Chief Advisor of the City of Mostar signed the Paris Declaration, along with the Executive Director of Partnerships in Health, Aida Kurtović.

By signing the Paris Declaration, Mayors commit to achieve the 90–90–90 and other Fast-Track targets, which will put us firmly on the path to ending the AIDS, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis epidemics by 2030

Mrs. Komadina thanked everyone for their efforts and support to the City of Mostar to join the network of cities which are implementing the Fast Track initiative. By signing the Declaration, Mostar has joined large cities of the world, such as Paris, Washington, London, Berlin, as well as 500 other big and small cities who will make the extra effort in tracking and early detection of HIV, and help it's infected citizens within their ability. 

"City of Mostar has joined a large number of cities, responsible local communities which have decided to give their contribution in the fight against HIV and AIDS na addtionally take care of the health of their citizens. Today, while we are facing the thereat of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are more then ever aware of the importance of fighting indectious diseases. We are more than ever aware of the importance of prevention of spreading of infectious diseases as well as the stigmatization of those affected", Mrs. Komadina pointed out

Partnerships in Health will keep the initiative going and we hope that other cities will follow the example by the cities of Bijeljina, Mostar and Sarajevo.

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Makedonija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Kosovo* i Albanija nalaze se na listi država u kojima se ne preporučuje razboljeti jer je prema navodima International SOS-a u njima loša medicinska skrb, postoji mogućnost zaraze i infekcije, a nezadovoljavajuća je i zdravstvena infrastruktura.
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