Contact Us

Head office:
Dr. Mustafe Pintola, Ilidža

Partnerships in Health office is located at:
Branilaca Sarajeva 12
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Phone: (+387) 33 622 482; 627 652
Fax: (+387) 33 627 656


You are welcome to contact us for all questions. For feedback and general inquiries, we encourage you to use the provided form. You should be contacted by PH staff no later than 48 hours from the submittion of your inquiry. 

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Am I at Risk?
Thinking about should you test yourself on HIV or where to do that? Run this simple anonymous on-line questionare and find out whether or not you should test yourself…
Click to begin online test


Makedonija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Kosovo* i Albanija nalaze se na listi država u kojima se ne preporučuje razboljeti jer je prema navodima International SOS-a u njima loša medicinska skrb, postoji mogućnost zaraze i infekcije, a nezadovoljavajuća je i zdravstvena infrastruktura.
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